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Farm Bill Hopes Continue to Dwindle for 2024

Farm Progress’ Joshua Baethge reported at the end of last week that “it’s hard to find anyone optimistic about passing a new farm bill this year. While the two political…

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Senate, House Committees Advance Ag-FDA Spending Bills

Axios’ Victoria Knight reported Thursday that “the Senate Appropriations Committee approved the Agriculture-FDA spending bill 27-0 Thursday.” “Both chambers of Congress have now approved their FY25 Ag-FDA funding bills out…

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Some Ag Damage Reported from Hurricane Beryl

Progressive Farmer’s Chris Clayton reported Tuesday that “it will take time to assess all the agricultural damage in Texas and other states from Hurricane Beryl and its remnants, but at…

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Grain Prices Hitting Lowest Levels Since 2020

Bloomberg’s Gerson Freitas Jr and Tarso Veloso reported Monday that “grain prices have slumped to the lowest level since the pandemic as Tropical Storm Beryl is expected to bring rains…

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Federal Ag Spending Bills to be Considered this Week

Politico’s Meredith Lee Hill and Grace Yarrow reported Monday that “amid election controversy and campaign buzz, appropriations leaders will convene this week to start to hammer out key spending plans.…

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Colorado Dairy Worker Becomes 4th Human Bird Flu Case

Reuters’ Leah Douglas reported last week that “public health officials in Colorado on Wednesday announced an adult man had tested positive for avian flu after reporting mild symptoms, including conjunctivitis,…

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Farmers Still Holding Corn & Soybeans Amid Low Prices

Reuters’ Karen Braun reported Tuesday that “survey work published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture on Friday showed June 1 U.S. corn stocks at 4.99 billion bushels, a four-year high,…

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