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Crop Conditions Improve- Corn Up Two Points, Soybeans Up Four Points

DTN Managing Editor Anthony Greder reported yesterday that, “U.S. corn and soybean conditions improved again last week, according to USDA NASS’ weekly Crop Progress report released Monday. Both crops also continued to mature at a slightly ahead-of-average pace.”

2023 Crop Progress and Conditions. Charts and Maps. USDA- National Agricultural Statistics Service (July 17, 2023).

The DTN article pointed out that, “Nationally, corn was rated 57% good to excellent, up 2 percentage points from 55% the previous week but down from 64% a year ago at this time.

2023 Crop Progress and Conditions. Charts and Maps. USDA- National Agricultural Statistics Service (July 17, 2023).

“‘Illinois’ corn crop is rated 41% good to excellent, and Iowa is 64% good to excellent, while Missouri and Michigan are in the worst shape, at 30% and 40%, respectively,’ noted DTN Senior Analyst Dana Mantini.”

2023 Crop Progress and Conditions. Charts and Maps. USDA- National Agricultural Statistics Service (July 17, 2023).

The article also noted that, “Soybeans were rated 55% good to excellent as of Sunday, up 4 percentage points from 51% last week but down from 61% a year ago at this time. ‘Illinois’ soybean crop is at 40% good to excellent and Iowa is 58% good to excellent while, again, Missouri and Michigan are rated worst, at 31% and 34%, respectively,’ Mantini said.”

2023 Crop Progress and Conditions. Charts and Maps. USDA- National Agricultural Statistics Service (July 17, 2023).

Elsewhere, Reuters writer Naveen Thukral reported today that, “Weekly condition ratings for the U.S. soybean and spring wheat crops improved more than expected in the past week following rains in portions of the Midwest and Plains, U.S. government data showed on Monday, while corn ratings rose in line with trade expectations.”

The Reuters article added that, “Brazilian farmers had harvested 36% of the area planted for their second corn crop in the center-south region by the end of last Thursday, consultancy AgRural said on Monday, up 9 percentage points from the previous week.”

Keith Good Photo

Keith Good is the Farm Policy News editor for the farmdoc project. He has previously worked for the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, and compiled the daily News Summary from 2003-2015. He is a graduate of Purdue University (M.S.- Agricultural Economics), and Southern Illinois University School of Law.

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