“Compared with April, May prices rose 1 percent, according to the latest snapshot issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and known as the consumer price index. The brutal report surprised economists and makes clear just how inescapable inflation has become for millions of American households, dealing with higher rent, bigger gas bills, and rising grocery costs.”

“Inflation surges to new heights,” by Rachel Siegel. The Washington Post (front page- June 11, 2022).

The Post article stated that,

The food index increased 10.1 percent for the 12 months ending in May, the first double-digit increase since 1981.

“Measures for dairy and related products rose 2.9 percent in May, compared with April, their largest monthly increase since July 2007. Meats, poultry, fish and eggs rose 1.1 percent over the month, with the index for eggs rising 5.0 percent.”