“Some places are already feeling the effects of the grain crisis,” the Post article said, and went on to provide details regarding Nigeria, Somalia, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Yemen.

Elsewhere, Alistair MacDonald and Thomas Grove reported on the front page of Saturday’s Wall Street Journal that, “Last month, an armed group turned up at Dmitry Skorniakov’s farm close to Mariupol and told workers that the land was being ‘nationalized’ and now belonged to them.

“Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine has captured some of the most productive agricultural land in what is one of the world’s great breadbaskets, disrupting supplies and pushing up food prices. Russian forces have also stolen grain and equipment, the Ukrainian government and farmers say. Now, entire farms are being taken, some farmers say.

“Ukraine’s Farmers, Contending With Stolen Grain and Mined Fields, Now Say Land Is Being Seized,” by Alistair MacDonald and Thomas Grove. The Wall Street Journal (front page- June 18, 2022).

“That allegation of land theft is becoming increasingly common in parts of Ukraine occupied by Russian forces, heaping more misery upon the country’s beleaguered farming industry and threatening to crimp harvests when the world needs Ukrainian crops.”

The Journal article noted that, “Overall, the Ukrainian government has accused Russia of stealing around 400,000 metric tons of grains and seeds. Ukraine has also accused Russia of deliberately trying to hurt its farming sector, which generated about 22% of the country’s gross domestic product last year, according to United Nations data.”