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farmdoc Webinars

September 10, 2019: Is farmdoc the Future of Agricultural Extension?

  • Noon, September 10th, 2019
  • Scott Irwin
    Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics

Agricultural Extension has been buffeted by a variety of forces in the last several decades, including the move towards larger farms and more diverse smaller farms, budget cuts, changing policies, and a revolution in digital technology.  The farmdoc project has been at the forefront of adopting the new digital technologies the last 20 years.  The first part of the webinar will tell the story of the development of farmdoc and then discuss whether farmdoc is the future of agricultural Extension programs.  This will be followed by Q&A with a panel of farmdoc faculty.   Webinar attendees will be able to ask questions of the panel.


Watch Webinar Video ARC/PLC, 2019 Grain Farm Income, and 2020 Cash Rent Update

  • Recorded 8:00 AM, August 30, 2019
  • Jonathan Coppess, Gary Schnitkey, and Nick Paulson
    Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics

Farmers soon begin be able to make the commodity program choice between Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC). Details and tools for the ARC/PLC decision will presented in this webinar.

Farm incomes for are coming into clearer focus. Those 2019 incomes and 2020 projections will impact 2020 cash rents. Outlook for 2019 incomes and 2020 cash rents will be presented during this webinar.

Watch Webinar Video ‘Updated Supply/Demand/Price Prospects for Corn and Soybeans’

    • Recorded August 13, 2019
    • Presented by Todd Hubbs, PhD. and Scott Irwin, PhD.
      Department of Agricultural and Consume Economics

    The webinar will review the USDA’s U.S. corn and soybean yield and production forecasts released on August 12. The production forecasts will be combined with projections of marketing year consumption in order to project the magnitude of year-ending stocks. The implications for marketing year average prices as well as the likely pattern of prices during the 2019-20 marketing year will be discussed.

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