A FarmPolicyNews update last week pointed to recent USDA information pertaining to the aggregate value of U.S. agricultural exports, and how these trade flows have changed over the past two decades.…
U.S. agricultural exports in fiscal year 2017 increased over $10 billion to the third-highest level on record. Although the U.S. remains the second largest exporter of agricultural goods in the…
Today's update takes a closer look at recent USDA agricultural trade export data for fiscal year 2017, and then proceeds to examine recent news items that provide perspective on NAFTA…
Last week, USDA updated portions of its monthly agricultural trade data. Despite some positive indications, news reports demonstrate that concerns over the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement…
A report earlier this month from USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) ("Global Ethanol Mandates: Opportunities for U.S. Exports of Ethanol and DDGS," by Jayson Beckman and Getachew Nigatu) noted that,…
Ana Swanson reported on Tuesday at The New York Times Online that, "Until Tuesday, the North American Free Trade Agreement looked like it might be headed for a quick demise.…
On Thursday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) released its biannual "Livestock and Poultry: World Markets and Trade" report, which is published in April and October, and is…
William Mauldin reported on Wednesday at The Wall Street Journal Online that, "President Donald Trump, speaking alongside Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, opened the door to separate trade deals with…
Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture updated its monthly agricultural trade data. Today's update includes an overview of some observations from the data with a focus on corn, soybeans,…
On Thursday, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing to consider three nominees for key trade positions, while the Senate Ag Committee questioned two nominees for Undersecretary posts at the…
Today's update highlights recent information on U.S. agricultural exports from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and also explores agricultural related trade issues that have been identified in recent news articles.
The U.S., Mexico and Canada concluded a second round of NAFTA discussions yesterday as President Trump has continued to criticize the trade measure. Meanwhile, concerns surfaced over the weekend about the…
Sara Schaefer-Munoz and Bob Davis reported in Monday's Wall Street Journal that, "[In the opening-round of talks to remake the North American Free Trade Agreement] which concluded Sunday, the [U.S., Mexico,…
William Mauldin and Paul Vieira reported earlier this week at The Wall Street Journal Online that, "The Trump administration launched the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement Wednesday…
Today's update looks at recent news items that focus on the first round of NAFTA trade negotiations that are scheduled to start this week. Along with some general background, the…
Since President Trump took office in January, many in the agricultural sector have been leery of potential executive branch actions on trade, particularly with respect to China and our NAFTA…
Recall that last month, trade rules regarding U.S beef exports to China were finalized. The U.S. had not exported beef to China since 2003, and on June 30th, an update…
Late last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture updated its monthly agricultural trade data. The data contained some interesting information with respect to U.S. agricultural exports. The U.S. ran a…
The Senate Finance Committee held a hearing yesterday to examine the administration’s approach to trade policy, and heard testimony from U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. Farm state lawmakers expressed concern…
Wall Street Journal writer Jacob Bunge reported late last week that, "Friction between the U.S. and Mexico over trade is starting to cut into sales for U.S. farmers and agricultural…