Many agricultural producers have expressed concern over the direction of executive branch trade policy since January. These apprehensions may not be universally shared in all quarters of Rural America; however,…
In a front page article last week at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Rick Barrett reported that, "Dairy farms in Wisconsin and other states could be forced out of business as early…
As global commodity markets cope with abundant stocks of corn, soybeans and wheat, export competitiveness has become increasingly important for U.S. farmers. Today's update takes a closer look at these…
Today's update examines recent news articles that address issues associated with NAFTA and U.S. corn exports to Mexico. As the future direction of executive branch trade policy continues to evolve,…
Yesterday, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing to consider the nomination of Robert Lighthizer to be United States Trade Representative. With respect to agricultural trade issues, China, the North…
Recall that last month, at a press conference before the Senate Ag Committee's first Farm Bill hearing in Kansas, Committee Chairman Pat Roberts pointed out that, "And trade — trade…
Recent news items suggest that anxiety in the agricultural community over Trump administration trade policy is not going away. After promising to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),…
Reuters writers Tom Polansek and Mark Weinraub reported on Tuesday that, "U.S. food producers and shippers are trying to speed up exports to Mexico and line up alternative markets as…
Donnelle Eller reported on the front page of Tuesday's Des Moines Register that, "President Donald Trump's decision to jettison the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal and renegotiate U.S. trade with Canada and…
Financial Times writers Demetri Sevastopulo, Shawn Donnan and Courtney Weaver reported yesterday that, "President Donald Trump signalled he will put trade protectionism at the heart of his economic policy, withdrawing…
Bloomberg writer Shannon Pettypiece reported late last week that, "President-elect Donald Trump won’t wait for Congress to confirm trade officials to act on his promises to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific…
Frank E. Lockwood reported on the front page of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette on January 2nd that, "A congressman from northeast Arkansas will reintroduce legislation to ease trade restrictions with…
Shawn Donnan and Sam Fleming reported last week at The Financial Times Online that, "Robert Lighthizer, the lawyer [President-elect Donald Trump] picked for US trade representative, has for years likened…
Recall that back in September, Reuters writers David Lawder and Nathaniel Taplin reported that, “The United States on [September 13th] launched a challenge to China’s price supports for domestic wheat,…
Des Moines Register reporter Jason Noble reported on December 7th that, "Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad will serve as ambassador to China in the administration of President-elect Donald Trump." The article…
Back in January of 2016, Maggie Haberman reported at The New York Times Online that, "Donald J. Trump said he would favor a 45 percent tariff on Chinese exports to the…